Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Basic Guitar Chords

Here's the list of basic guitar chords:

Guitar chord chart of C Guitar chord picture of C Guitar chord chart of C7 Guitar chord picture of C7

Guitar chord chart of D Guitar chord picture of D Guitar chord chart of Dm Guitar chord picture of Dm

Guitar chord chart of D7 Guitar chord picture of D7

Guitar chord chart of E Guitar chord picture of E Guitar chord chart of Em Guitar chord picture of Em

Guitar chord chart of E7 Guitar chord picture of E7

Guitar chord chart of F Guitar chord picture of F

The F chord is a bit of a special case: the top 2 notes are fretted with one finger (the index finger).
This is one of the hardest chords to play for the beginner, but you'll soon get the hang of it (if you practice enough).

Guitar chord chart of G Guitar chord picture of G Guitar chord chart of G7 Guitar chord picture of G7

Guitar chord chart of A Guitar chord picture of A Guitar chord chart of Am Guitar chord picture of Am

Guitar chord chart of A7 Guitar chord picture of A7

Guitar chord chart of B7 Guitar chord picture of B7

Bar Chords :

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